
Improve Visitor Security with the Gate Pass Management System

Improve Visitor Security with the Gate Pass Management System

By R.Saini

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Improve Visitor Security with the Gate Pass Management System

Wed, Jun 17, 2020

Read in 7 minutes

In the past, almost all organizations relied on traditional monitoring and tracking methods of visitors and guests. To enhance on-site security, it is critical to keep a check on visitors at entry and exit points in workplaces. The best way is to install a gate visitor management system to ease the task of all.

Several problems occur with traditional methods:

• What kind of gate safety steps are you trusting?

• Do you keep bothering hosts repeatedly whenever a guest comes?

• What method do you use to verify the identities of visitors at your workplace?

If you are concerned about the above challenges in your facility, you must think beyond your outdated security policies. Finding the perfect solution for all such problems is using a visitor pass management system.

What exactly is the Visitor Gate Pass Management System?

Modern Companies often focus on securing their building from unauthorized and malicious entry. The security manager has to consider the security of all the entry and exit touchpoints where the visitors and guests pass through.

Companies use Visitor Gate passes to keep records of visitors. Whenever a visitor arrives, they are issued a gate pass or badge duly signed by the host to approve their entry into the premises.

Mainly, visitor passes are vital in sectors such as schools and hospitals. Proper and robust access control measures are essential to keep everyone safe on your premises.

Visitor passes or badges also help facilities identify people available onsite in an emergency.

Traditional Visitor Gate Pass Vs. Digital Visitor Gate Pass Management System

In the past, visitor gate passes were usually in paper form. The host signed them manually and issued them to the visitors to authenticate their entry into the premises.

Doesn’t it look so outdated and untrustworthy?

The paper gate pass always remains prone to loss and misplacement. Also, it delivers an unpleasant and unsatisfactory experience to visitors. But The Digital Visitor Gate Pass Management System solves all the above problems. Digital passes are electronically printed and signed by hosts. It ensures the safety and security of the facilities.

The visitor Pass Management System has three main modules–

1. Admin Module:

This module is usually installed on the Admin side. The admin can define companies, host details, user rights management, set Gate pass formats, and generate reports.

2. Host Module:

The host employee can check the visitor details on the online pages. Host notifications notify the host about the visitor. The host can send the response to the safety gate staff.

3. Security Gate Module:

The Security Gate module is deployed at the entrance area of the premises. It facilitates the staff to register the visitors’ details with photographs. It also sends a notification to the host. The system also keeps track of the exact time the visitors sign in and out of the premises. This information is automatically stored in the cloud and can be accessed anytime. The visitor gate pass system also increases site visibility in your workplace. It specifically allows the staff to monitor every entry and exit touchpoint.

Features of Visitor Gate Pass Management System

Genuinely, the Visitor Pass System is vital for the security and safety of organizations today.

Especially during the pandemic, the need for digital gate passes has reached an unexpected height. Post-pandemic scenarios force organizations to switch to digital methods for visitor management tasks.

Some key features of the Gate Pass Management System which establish it different from others:

Smart Scheduling: Scheduling people enhances the organization’s operational productivity.

Identify Visitors: The visitor management system records visitor check-in identities with their pictures & saves them.

Monitor Visitor Traffic: Effective monitoring of user traffic and waiting duration.

Digital Badges: The visitor management system assigns a digital badge to the visitor.

Intelligent Notifications: The gate management system notifies the host about their visitor’s arrival by email & SMS alert with visitor details and timings.

Benefits Visitor Pass management system offers

1. Better and enhanced security–

It tracks all the entries and exits and provides visitors’ date-time details. It is flexible and robust and grants access to specific areas on the premises. It prevents intruders and unscrupulous persons from the building.

Visitor access is granted only after the host has verified their identity to ensure maximum security. The visitor gate system also protects an enterprise in case of any emergency.

2. Enhance branding–

Using advanced digital security makes your organization look modern and memorable. It enables your brand to have a unique and attractive approach. This also increases the productivity and efficiency of your business.

3. Low-cost solution–

The gate pass system gives the organization a low-cost solution to enhance its security overheads. There is no need to spend expenses on papers and other requirements of manual visitor badges. It makes the whole process digital and straightforward.

4. Going paperless–

Saving Mother Nature is our responsibility. Every organization must contribute to preserving nature. Gate Pass management software enables an enterprise to go paperless. This provides an eco-friendly and green working environment. Going paperless using a Visitor Management System like Vizitor empowers an enterprise to run smoothly.

5. Better visibility–

Having a high level of visibility is a significant aspect of an organization. The system also provides control over the organization as a whole.

6. Customized as per needs–

Visitor passes can be customized as per the requirements of the business. Organizations have complete control over the configuration of visitor gate passes. It includes visitor type, details, and expiry date, which can be configured accordingly.

Revolutionary Impact of Gate Pass Management System

• The gate pass system is often customized as per the necessity of the organization or residential complex. Providing the gate pass to the visitors ensures their photograph and details of the Visitor.

• A gate management system is issued to the visitor, capturing the details and identification purposes.

• After that, the host instantly gets notified about the visitor. With host approval, the visitor is issued a gate pass to authenticate entry into the premises.

• The gate pass is returned so that the out time is recorded and saved within the database alongside other details.

• Visitor is an easy-to-use software. The visitor management system denied the entry of unauthorized visitors. Only specific people can pass the premises.

• It also restricts access to specific areas to support the company’s security system.

Beyond Visitor Management: Exploring Alternative Approaches to Premises Security

In the realm of visitor management, security reigns supreme. But when it comes to safeguarding your premises, it’s about more than just the traditional badges and logbooks. Think forward, think innovation. Two-way radio communication headsets are a hidden gem in the world of security. These devices enable real-time, on-the-fly communication between your security and staff teams. Imagine a seamless response to any security concern or an emergency, ensuring swift action.

Whether it’s addressing unexpected situations, managing visitor flow, or thwarting unauthorized access, these headsets bolster your security in ways you might not have considered. What’s more, they enhance not only security but overall guest satisfaction.

Explore Waveband Communications’s collection of advanced two-way radio communication headsets to see how they can raise the bar on your security game with a wireless radio headset.

It’s time to upgrade…

It’s time to upgrade to a reliable digital front desk and visitor management solution. It makes your establishment more productive and modernized.

Organizations and other sectors have started using visitor management software or Visitor Gate pass Software. This records the accurate details of the visitors.

Presently, the security of visitors and employees always remains at the top priority list of every business facility. Security of any corporate sector is inevitable to ensure a peaceful and safe environment. Altering the traditional ways of manual maintaining of records.


Visitor gate pass management system provides a way to control, & track your organization’s visitor traffic effectively. It helps to prevent any unauthorized or unwanted person from entering the premises. The flexible architecture Gate pass Software, like Vizitor, allows the organization to access the data they need directly. This system improves the security and productivity of the organization. If you want to know more about Vizitor, get in touch today.
