
What is Visitor Management? Understanding the importance of keeping track of visitors

What is Visitor Management? Understanding the importance of keeping track of visitors

By Ritika Bhagat

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What is Visitor Management? Understanding the importance of keeping track of visitors

Mon, Feb 13, 2023

Read in 8 minutes

Do you keep track of who enters your premises? If you are running an enterprise, it must be your first and the foremost priority to be aware of visitors and guests entering your building on a daily basis. Hence, organizations usually use visitor logs to keep track of visitors who come and go through your workplace.

But, Are these manual visitor logs really safe and accurate? Obviously, A Big NO. Actually whether you are employing paper based logs or others,it is upon you and your convenience. But still, understanding the need of organization’s security and modernization, now companies are moving forward for digital solutions like Visitor Management System.

In this post,we’ll outline the significance of keeping track of visitors and guests and the importance and benefits the Visitor Management System offers?


1. Why is there always a need to cover and keep track of visitors in an association? Why is it crucial for security- minded organizations?

There used to be a specific entrance from where the vast flow of visitors enters your premises.On any workday, there used to be a constant flow of clients, employees, salespersons,customers etc. Encountering and handling a huge number of visitors at the same time can affect your normal flow of work within an organization.

Any unscrupulous entry can result in a dangerous situation for your enterprise.Keeping in mind the security of their guests and workplace, large or small businesses are implementing digital visitor management solutions to monitor and keep track of everyone who enters your office premises. Electronic Visitor Management is one of those.Before understanding about the system, let’s take an overview about the importance of visitor management in organizations.

2. Need to know: Importance of Visitor Management and Visitor Monitoring

Organization types such as schools, hotels, offices,government sectors,all have to maintain record of visitors and guests serving their organizations on daily basis for their purposes. It is the responsibility of the front desk staff and administrator to keep an eye on who enters at any given time. There may be several facts related to visitors in organizations like–

• Some establishments maintain visitor log books to keep a detailed record of their visitors and guests.

• Some organizations even don’t have log books and any registration forms for this purpose.

• Some large organizations make use of various visitor management strategies for bothering their thousands of customers and visitors.

But, all these remain only things of the past. Just keeping details of visitors on handwritten log books is not fundamental to security-minded organizations.

2. What is Visitor Management? Why is it needed?

Visitor Management refers to managing and regulating the flow of guests and visitors in an easy and effective way.Almost every sector need proper management of visitors to improve their productivity.Visitor management is a process of keeping track of the people that visit location of any organisation.It is needed to control front desk operations of any facility type in an efficient manner.

Considering the cruciality of the visitors’ insight and organizations’ needs, Electronic Visitor Management solutions have gained widespread acceptance among organizations in recent years. Every aspect of business should be examined properly to improve operational efficiency. Managing and regulating the visitors is also an important aspwct that should be given foremost priority. Visitor management is extremely useful presenting a professional look of your organization.

Some facts that demonstrate the need and cruciality of proper visitor management in organizations–

• Welcoming visitors in a warm and user-friendly manner enhances the brand image of your enterprise.

• Hassle-free and decongested lobby areas present a unique and fantastic brand image of your organization.

• If there is nobody to track and monitor the activities of visitors and guests, any offender can enter into your premises easily.

• Visitor Management is necessary to ensure the safety and security of your organization.

• Authentication and visitor monitoring should be implemented to ensure compliance with data privacy laws and to meet the regulatory standards.

• Proper management of visitors offer administrators to identify and authenticate their guests in a quick and convenient way.

• Management of visitors is also essential to provide the visitors with a seamless and amazing visiting experience at your premise.

• A high-quality visitor management solution can help a company in processing guests at the entrance to ensure they are allowed to enter or not.

Other sectors–

• In Sch ools and colleges where security of students and staff can’t be compromised and avoided at any cost, the need of tracking and managing visitors and guests becomes more prominent.

• Hotels and restaurants also encounter a vast amount of customers and guests.So, proper management of all those also make the need of visitor management more crucial and fundamental.

All these scenarios highlight the importance and need of visitor management in almost all sectors.To combat various issues related to management of visitors, various organizations have already started looking for electronic visitor management solutions. These systems are perfect solutions to manage visitors and guests.

3. What is an Electronic Visitor Management Solution?

Old manual visitor management solutions make use of register logbooks to keep track of their visitors who enter their premises for serving their purposes. It is not a straightforward and simple task to manage a huge flow of visitors using pen and pencil. This is the modern age and digitization is needed today.

Electronic Visitor Management System keeps track of visitors, notify the hosts, record details, schedule visits, and improve efficiency of organizations. Electronic Visitor Management Systems replaces the traditional paper and pen based registration process with touchless check-ins.It is a cloud based solution that provides us with advanced features to enhance your reception experience and front desk sign-ins. Simply put, a visitor management system is a key asset to keep your workplace effective and secure.

Visitor Management Solution is especially designed to cater the needs of modern enterprises to meet their visitor management requirements.It also makes their registration process as smooth and convenient as possible.

4. Need of Electronic Visitor Management System

1. Touchless and digital Check-ins and Check-outs– Electronic Visitor Management Systems replace the outdated logbooks with the contactfree and digital check-ins and registration procedures.It effectively processes and track guests using QR scanning and face recognition touchless technologies. Visitors can check-in themselves without having to wait in long queues for hours.It offers a professional and modern first impression to guests.

2. Security and Safety of Organisation – As we already discussed Visitor Management System serves as an effective tool for keeping a facility safe by monitoring those who are visitors and who are intruders.Electronic Visitor Management System provides the facilities with additional security features to prevent any unexpected incident from happening. Digital safety measures such as thermal and visitor screenings, touchless check-ins, QR code based registration etc. add an additional edge to employees and visitors’ safety.

3. Meet Compliance and data privacy laws– The system helps an organization in meeting the required privacy and compliance standards.A facility has to comply with various security, data and safety requirements for proper management and productivity.Electronic Visitor Management System provides the organizations with that feature.

4. Emergency alerts– Electronic Visitor Management System sends instant alerts and notifications via SMS or Emails to notify the hosts and administrators in case of any kind of emergency situation to take necessary actions. All information can be made available instantly and is vital for the security team of the organization.

5. Accurate digital Visitor logs – Tracking the accurate number of visitors entering during a given point of time,where and who they visited, is not possible using manual visitor logs. Electronic Visitor Management System is cloud based and provides a detailed insight of visitors details and information.It provides the facilities with easy and quick reporting of visitors information in an efficient manner.

5. Features and benefits of Electronic Visitor Management System

1. Simplification of front desk and operational tasks– Electronic Visitor Management System enables the businesses to simplify their operational tasks using digital technology. Self check-ins using smartphones free up the reception staff while automating their registration process to a great extent. Other operational tasks like maintaining attendance, record keeping,form filling, online bookings etc. also simplifies using digital Visitor Management Solution.

2. Enhance brand image while improving productivity– Visitor management systems give maximum control over your facility by managing visitors and front desk in a professional manner. The system enhances the look and feel of your front desk by creating a professional and wonderful environment at the reception area. It also creates an overall unorganized first impression for visitors. The brand image of your facility enhances using an effective and optimal visitor management solution like Vizitor.

3. Better Control over your premises– Electronic Visitor Management System offers full control over who has access to your building.It provides a better control over day-to-day operations.The system can be easily customized as per the needs of organizations thus providing a better control of your facility.

4. Ensure employees’ well- being– Electronic Visitor Management System ensures well being of employees and visitors by providing them a safe j amd secure weokplace.It enables the organizations to prevent entry of infectious viruses such as COVID-19 by using touchless technology and health screenings.

5. Create paperless and eco-friendly environment within organizations– With the immense benefits of touchless technology, Visitor Management System helps the facilities to go paperless by reducing the chaos and hassles of using traditional paper and pen methods.As today organizations can’t afford going through lengthy registration procedures. It provides a professional and eco- friendly visiting environment to the visitors and guests.


Last but not the least, Digital Visitor Management Solutions contribute to smooth and hassle-free functioning of facilities. They serve as one of the most important security tools in ensuring safety in organizations. Hence, tracking visitors and guests becomes more vital in times of emergency.Almost every sector will benefit from having contact free check-ins and check-outs. Investing in a reliable and cost-effective solution can help meet various requirements at a central place. For effective management of Visitors, try Vizitor.
