
Ways to design the "Perfect" Office visitor log!

Ways to design the "Perfect" Office visitor log!

By Ritika Bhagat

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Ways to design the "Perfect" Office visitor log!

Mon, Nov 9, 2020

Read in 7 minutes

Maintaining a secure and accurate Office Visitor Log has always been crucial for businesses, ensuring administrative control and visitor safety. However, the recent pandemic has significantly amplified the importance of visitor data management. Traditional paper-based logs are prone to errors, misplacement, and potential security breaches.

In today’s modern workplaces, digital visitor logs offer a superior solution, contributing to a positive visitor experience and enhanced security. Imagine a bustling office with numerous entrances and frequent visitors. A digital visitor management system like Vizitor streamlines the process, keeping track of visitors electronically. This eliminates concerns about illegible handwriting or misplaced paper logs, ensuring accurate and secure visitor records.

Gone are the days of cumbersome paper sign-in sheets! Digital visitor logs offer a streamlined and efficient experience. Visitors can quickly register with a few clicks, eliminating wait times and creating a positive first impression. The ideal visitor log should be user-friendly, capturing essential information while prioritizing visitor privacy and complying with data regulations. Additionally, the system should provide clear and accurate data for reporting and analysis.

In this blog post, we will explore some ideas for designing the “perfect” office visitor log that will not only impress your visitors but also make your workplace more efficient and welcoming.

Collect the important data

To design the perfect front desk visitor log, you have to collect the exact and important information from the visitors. The data collected in a visitor log system can vary depending on the organization’s requirements. It is essential to determine the key data points that need to be captured to fulfill the organization’s security needs.

So here is the data that every organization has to collect to maintain the records–

1. Visitor Name –

Keeping the records of the visitors with their name and photo ID cards is very important. So the vizitor dashboard provides to collect the Your visitors’ names that require a few simple text fields in your visitor log. For security, your staff member may have to verify names with a photo ID card.

2. Visitor Contact Info –

The visitors who work on-site should include their contact info for contact tracing purposes.

3. Record Check-in and check-out time–

Check-in and check-out time is the most important info for the records purposes. With the visitor management system, this process becomes easy.

4. Visit Purpose –

When any visitor comes into the office then you should record the details of the purpose they have visited in the office. This helps in understanding the nature of the visit and ensures that the visitor has a valid reason for being on the premises.

5. Host information -

Collect the name of the person the visitor is meeting with or the department they are visiting. This helps in tracking the visitor’s destination and allows for easy contact with the host if needed.

6. Health and safety information -

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it may be important to collect health and safety information, such as the visitor’s recent travel history, symptoms, and contact with COVID-19-positive individuals.

7. E- Signature -

Request the visitor to sign the digital visitor log to acknowledge of their entry and Non-disclosure agreement to comply with the premises’ rules and regulations.

The system should be designed to collect this data accurately and securely, and with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for visitors to input their information.


Enhance the log privacy for the visitors

Visitor privacy is the most important aspect of the organization. So this is our responsibility to protect the visitors’ privacy. Visitors should feel confident that their personal information is protected and used only for the intended purpose.

The logbooks are to be stored properly and cannot be disclosed to any third party.

With the usage of pen and paper-based systems, there is no privacy and this system is not safe enough to protect the visitor data. So here is our visitor management system Vizitor which manages the visitors digitally and protects the visitors data.

Where in the manual system, everyone can see the details of the visitors but with the digital system there is no chance to see and fetch the details of the visitors.

For the perfect visitor log, you must do the pages shredded regularly to optimize privacy. By optimizing the functionality of the digital visitor log, you can ensure that the information collected from visitors remains private and by government standards. Some offices keep a record of visitor contact information for safety reasons, like making an evacuation list. However, they may not need this information the next day.

To manage this, it’s a good idea to print out fresh visitor log pages daily, with the date on top, and keep them on a clipboard instead of a binder or notebook. This way, old log pages can be easily disposed of based on their age when they are no longer needed.

visitor management software gives visitors the option to store their data for quicker check-in the next time they return, visitors can opt in and out of having their data stored for that purpose.


Here are some innovative tips for designin a perfect office visitor log:

1. Sleek and simple:

Create a modern, minimalist design that is visually appealing and easy to use.

2. Keep it concise:

Only include fields that are necessary for tracking and verifying visitors. Few fields can overwhelm visitors and lead to errors.

3. Keep it up-to-date:

Regularly review and update the log to maintain accuracy and remove outdated information.

4. Keep it user-friendly:

Design the log with a straightforward layout and intuitive navigation for a seamless visitor experience. Display step-by-step instructions on how to fill out the log to prevent confusion or errors.

5. Keep it organized:

Use a clear and organized layout with ample space for visitors to write their information. Group related fields together to make it easy to navigate.

6. Durability:

Use durable materials for the visitor log, such as high-quality paper or laminated sheets, to ensure it withstands regular use and maintains its integrity over time.

7. Compliance:

Ensure that the visitor log design complies with relevant regulations, such as data privacy laws, security protocols, and industry-specific requirements.

8. Keep it consistent:

Use consistent labels and formatting throughout the log to minimize confusion and errors.


It’s Time to Upgrade from a manual to a digital visitor log!

To a perfect and digital visitor log you have to upgrade the manual visitor log to the digital.

The manual visitor logs are paper-based and consume the paper and include potential legibility errors confusion and additional manual work for the admin staff.

So, digital visitor management systems are the best system to manage visitors, optimize visitor privacy, track visitors, and enhance the productivity of the office. Visitor information is never available to other visitors. It also enables real-time notifications to hosts, allowing them to be promptly informed of their visitors’ arrival.

A digital system can also automate visitor pre-registration, allowing visitors to re-enter their information before arriving at the office, which saves time and enhances the check-in process. So, why settle for a traditional and outdated visitor log system when you can design the “perfect” one that aligns with your organization’s values of innovation, security, and user experience?

Bottom Line!!

Welcome your visitors with a modern, efficient, and personalized experience that leaves a lasting impression and reflects positively on your organization’s brand image. Invest in the right technology and design a visitor log system that sets your office apart from the rest. Your visitors deserve the best, and a well-designed visitor log system can help you deliver just that.

So let’s upgrade the visitor log. Make your front desk more impressive and enhance the safety of your workplace. Let’s start with the vizitor’s trial!