Tue, Oct 22, 2019
Read in 4 minutes
We are living in a converging world where the digital revolution in offices is much more than eliminating the paperwork and switching to digital check-in process. This transformation helps the small business to benefit from these tools to emerge as bigger units. It gives employees and visitors better tools and user experience.
Every day you need to answer thousands of calls, so you require full time receptionist. The **MyOperator **is the best solution for you.Virtual receptionist is a cloud based IVR system which routes all the customer calls to the right department. It stays available to your customers 24*7 and hence caters to the needs of the customers even after office hours.They also aren’t traditional call centers — they have specialized knowledge about your company.
Tablet based kiosks have taken over multiple sectors. These are the fastest self service providing industry using by many retail stores. Here are a few ways to use tablet kiosks you might not have heard about before:
Turn your tablet to a virtual receptionist with a** visitor management system. When visitors arrive at your office, they can check in, contact whoever they are there to see, and print a visitor badge, all with a few simple steps. Vizitor is the best android and iOS deployed software that digitize your check-in process.
A tablet based kiosk is a great self-serve way to provide visitors with building directory information and assistance in best possible manner. It tracks all the visitors data and make it available when required.
Forget paper applications. When someone comes to your office to apply for a job, have them fill out their employment application on tablet.
Have you ever imagined managing your teams across the world, your designer, developer and writer sitting on the other side of the globe. How do you collaborate with your remote workers frequently? How do you get everyone exchange your work and ensuring them up-to date at the same time? It’s a challenging pace up with remote workers and in-house workers. Thanks to online collaboration tools that help in managing businesses with their workflows. You are probably already heard about these three types of collaboration tools
A project Management tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.”
A communicating tool with an instant messaging system with lots of add-ins for other workplace tools.This means Slack is an instant messaging system with lots of add-ins for other workplace tools.
It is a free Web-based application in which documents and spreadsheets can be created, edited and stored online.
Yep, you read that right. Text messaging is the hottest trend in business communications. You can use it for everything from sales prospecting, to customer service, to internal communications, to recruiting new members for your growing team. But don’t worry! This doesn’t mean all of your employees will be texting customers from their personal phones. With business texting platforms like TextUs.Biz, your employees can use a desktop application to manage multiple text conversations at once, while still allowing you to monitor all of their communications.
An online knowledge base is the body of questions, answers, documentation, best practices, tips and tricks – in short, knowledge – that an enterprise creates, collects and stores over time. The main idea of a knowledge base is to preserve that information long-term and make it accessible both internally and externally. Smart companies provide free access to it so that customers and users can find the solutions to their problems without contacting customer support.
Zendesk includes software that makes it simple to create, manage, access and search through content in knowledge bases.
To know more about the visit us at https://www.vizitorapp.com/