
Streamlining Check-in Process: A descriptive guide to Hotel Check-in System

Streamlining Check-in Process: A descriptive guide to Hotel Check-in System

By R.Saini

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Streamlining Check-in Process: A descriptive guide to Hotel Check-in System

Sat, Mar 18, 2023

Read in 14 minutes

Hotel industry is always dominated by delivering seamless customer services but increasing number of visitors and guests bookings are bringing much-needed respite to the hospitality industry. During theast few years, particularly since pandamic, guests and visitorshave evolved to want more control and choice over their stay.

Imagine you’re traveling to a new city for a much-needed vacation, and after a long flight, all you want to do is get to your hotel room and relax. But as you approach the front desk of your hotel, you’re met with a long line of other tired and impatient travelers waiting to check in.

How will you feel then? What impression of the hotel do you have?

This is where a streamlined check-in process can come in handy, making your hotel stay as stress-free as possible.

Giving your guests a fantastic and memorable visiting experience doesn’t have to mean extra work—actually, it should mean less.

The one and the only optimal solution is to just– Streamline your Check-in process. Checking-in is the first line of sight the guests interpret when they arrive.

So, making your check-in process more streamlined and simplified is one of the major priority of industries nowadays.

In this article, we’ll explore some facts about how to streamline the check-in process taking into account the advantages of Hotel Check-in Systems. To help you better understand the importance of Hotel Check-in System, this article will cover numerous key topics.

1. What is the Check-in process?

Check-in is the process of registering guests arriving at your workplace. The guest arrives and heads to your reception/front desk. The guest is identified and has their details checked. The process begins when the front office personnel extends a warm welcome to the guest. This is the first impression which can attract or distract the prospective guests.

Modernisation is the necessity of today’s productivity measures. With the digital awakening the COVID pandemic has caused, many institutions are realizing the necessity of adopting digital methods for streamlining their operational tasks. After all, creating a memorable and immense impression on guests is always one of the most important aspect of organizations to enhance their competitive edge among modern organizations.

Considering hospitality services in hotels, where the guest experience starts prior to their check-in is always recognised as one of the most critical aspects to lift up their efficiency level. But, now question arises-

How do you manage visitors? How do you manage your visitors’ experience? It seems to be one of the major concerns among enterprises to manage their visitors and guests in an efficient manner reducing wait times and increasing convenience.

Check-in process

1.1 How do you manage your visitors’ experience?

As already said, creating a seamless experience for visitors cannot be compromised at any cost.

As we know,different kinds of visitors everyday visit your organsation for serving their purpose. Especially in hotels and restaurents where there is a free flow of guests, it is difficult for receptionist sitting on front desk to manage the amount of them.The situation becomes more worse during vacations.

There used to be a lot of concerns to solve while carrying out the sign-in process as your visitors seemed to be waiting in the reception area, reception staff gathering relevant details from them, congested waiting rooms etc. translates to a negative image of your hotel.

Traditional methods of checking-in were quite tedious and time consuming. Manually filling reservation and check-in forms can be a clumsy task. This exercise is really a contradict to modern technologies. Sometimes, nobody is there to greet and welcome the guests at front door.

1.2 What techniques can be used to manage visitors?

There are a number of different techniques that organizations can use to manage visitors to their offices and workspaces.It can be different for different industries based on their needs.


One of the traditional techniques used by enterprises is to employ a dedicated front desk staff including receptionist, security officials whose primary responsibility is to greet and direct guests. Paper logs maintained by receptionist are less efficient and time consuming.But the method becomes outdated as modern enterprise are now incorporating digital methods to manage their visitors.


To overcome all these issues,one of the effective way to manage your visitors is to implement a reliable VISITOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM to effectively manage your visitors.

Visitor Management System helps organizations to streamline their visitor check-in and check-out process, maintain security and compliance, and enhance the overall visitor experience. It helps in delivering a seamless and delightful experience for your guests. The Visitor Management System is especially designed to cater the needs of different facilities by streamlining their operational tasks as well as improving efficiency and productivity upto next level.

The system allows organisations to collect visitors’data on cloud that can later be analyzed.

1.3 Digital Check-ins and its importance in modern Workplaces

The advancements in visitor management techniques eliminates the need to go through a long and cumbersome manual sign-in process. Instead, the digital check-in techniques efficiently manages all front desk traffic and front table operations by streamlining check-in procedures.

Digital Check-in is the process of checking-in digitally of their own using smartphines without any human interaction. Advantages of using Digital Check-ins:

• It offers a no-touch sign-in using smartphones or tablets. There is no need to fill offline visitor forms.

• The use of digital check-in and check-outs allow for much more seamless arrivals and departures helping you to build better relationships with your guests and attract more positive feedback.

• Digital check-ins offer pre-check-in forms to your upcoming guests and minimise time spent at the reception.

Modern Visitor Management System, Vizitor offers you with touchless and digital check-ins using QR scanning including various other features such as instant host notifications, image capturing, pre-registration etc. to create your check-in process hassle-free and convenient.

2. What is a Digital Check-in System in a Hotel?

The check-in process is the procedure that hotel guests go through upon arrival to check-in and receive their room keys. This process involves verifying the guest’s identity, confirming their reservation details, and collecting any necessary payment or deposit. It is the first interaction a guest has with the hotel staff and sets the tone for the rest of their stay.

The COVID-19 pandemic irrevocably changed a variety of guest behaviors and expectations in almost all hospitality industries.The hotel check-in procedure is one of the most critical elements of any guest journey to differentiate between a positive and negative reviews presented by guests.

Digital Check-in

Digital check-in processes allow guests to check in online before they arrive, reducing wait times and increasing convenience.

2.1 What techniques do hotels use for Check-ins?

Hotels use a variety of software to manage guests, including property management systems (PMS), customer relationship management (CRM) software, and digital hotel check-in systems to ensure guests feel welcome and valued from the moment they arrive. This can include offering a warm greeting, providing information about the hotel amenities and services, offering assistance with luggage, and making sure the check-in process is efficient and hassle-free.

There are numerous techniques and solutions available in the market to help hotels in creating a hassle-free registration process. Some of these techniques and solutions are listed below–

• One effective technique for managing visitors is personalization. This involves understanding the guest’s preferences and tailoring their experience accordingly. For example, if a guest has previously stayed at the hotel and requested a specific room type or amenities, the hotel can make sure to offer these options upon check-in.

• One innovative solution to manage visitors’ experience is Vizitor, a digital check-in system that allows guests to check-in remotely and avoid the hassle of waiting in line at the front desk. With Vizitor, guests can complete their check-in process from their mobile devices before they even arrive at the hotel, saving them time and reducing stress.

• Another technique is to offer self-service options that allow guests to complete the check-in process independently. With Vizitor, guests can check-in remotely, upload their personal information, and receive their room key via a mobile app or a self-service kiosk upon arrival.

2.2 What is the importance of digital hotel Check-in system?

The importance of a digital check-in process is significant as it offers numerous benefits for both the hotel and the guest. Digital check-in allows hotels to streamline their operations, reducing the need for staff and improving efficiency. This also translates to a better guest experience, as digital check-in saves time and reduces the risk of errors or miscommunication during the check-in process.

The check-in process is an essential aspect of the guest experience at a hotel, and with the rise of technology, many hotels are implementing digital check-in systems like Vizitor to improve the process.

• Firstly, a digital check-in process is more efficient and streamlined than a traditional check-in process.

• Secondly, a digital check-in system offers guests greater flexibility and convenience. With Vizitor, guests can check-in from anywhere, at any time, using their mobile device or computer.

• Thirdly, a digital check-in system provides hotels with valuable data and insights that can help them improve their services. It provides real-time accessibility to visitor data tracked using real-time dashboard.

• Finally,as we all know the reception area is always one of the main security point in all establishments.A digital check-in system offers increased security and safety for both guests and hotel staff.Visitor badges, photo capture, e-signatures enhance the security level of your hotel.

• During the past era of massive pandemic, mobile check-in systems have became a priority for hotel employees and guests alike, and the technology is likely to remain a post-pandemic hospitality trend.

2.3 What are the steps in the Hotel Check-in Process?

The hotel check-in process typically involves a number of steps, and a digital hotel check-in system like Vizitor can help streamline and simplify this process for both guests and hotel staff. Here are the typical steps involved in a hotel check-in process, along with how Vizitor can help:

• Pre-registration:

Guests may have the option to pre-register for their stay online or through a mobile app prior to arrival. This allows them to skip the front desk check-in process altogether and go straight to their room upon arrival. Vizitor’s digital check-in system allows guests to pre-register and securely upload their ID documents and personal information, making the check-in process faster and more efficient.

• Arrival:

Upon arrival, guests may be greeted by a front desk staff member who will confirm their reservation and collect their ID and payment information. With Vizitor, guests can complete these steps remotely using their mobile device or computer, eliminating the need to stand in line at the front desk.

• Room assignment:

After verifying the guest’s information, the hotel staff member will assign the guest to a specific room. With Vizitor, guests can choose their preferred room type and location during the pre-registration process, and the system will automatically assign them to a room upon arrival.

• Key issuance:

Once the guest is assigned a room, they will receive their room key or access code. With Vizitor, guests can receive their key or access code digitally, eliminating the need for physical key cards or touch screens.

3 How can the Hotel Check-in process be improved?

First impressions should always be the lasting impression patricularly for hotels. Hotels who aim to offer a superior guest experience and streamline their operations while avoiding queues at reception, can leverage the power of digital technology.

There are several ways to improve the hotel check-in process, and incorporating technology can make it both more efficient and more engaging for guests.

Your hotel’s check-in experience impacts every guest you receive. The simpler and more streamlined that experience, the happier and more satisfied your guests will be.

Hotels and restaurants should use innovative softwares and apps to make check-in as efficient and stress-free as possible for everyone involved.

Hotel Check-in

Let me know of various ways and solutions through which the hotel check-in process can be improved. Some of them are listed below–

3.1 Digital Visitor Sign-in App for hotels

One innovative solution is to use a visitor Sign in App like Vizitor, which can enhance the entire check-in experience. Digital check-ins at hotels using Visitor Sign-in App are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and speed. Here are some ways Vizitor Sign in App can be used to improve the hotel check-in process:

• Mobile check-in:

Guests can check in using their mobile device, either through an app or by scanning a QR code. This saves time and eliminates the need for guests to stand in line at the front desk.

• Facial recognition:

Using facial recognition technology, guests can check in with a quick scan of their face, eliminating the need for physical documents and speeding up the check-in process.

• Pre-registration:

Guests can pre-register for their stay through the Visitor Sign-in App before their arrival. They can input their personal information and upload their ID documents for verification

• Improved efficiency:

The app allows hotels to streamline their check-in and check-out processes, leading to greater efficiency and cost savings.

• Check-out:

Guests can check-out using the Visitor Sign-in App as well. They can complete the process on their own time without any assistance.

Enhanced guest experience:

The self-service nature of digital check-ins allows guests to take control of their check-in process, creating a more personalized experience. The app’s additional features also provide guests with more options and control over their in-room experience.

• Time savings:

The digital check-in process is faster and more efficient than traditional check-in methods, allowing guests to get to their room more quickly and staff to focus on other tasks.

• Contactless experience:

A contactless experience is much more convenient than other methods. It minimizes contact between guests and staff so everyone can keep a safe distance from each other.

3.2 Self- service kiosks

Self check-in kiosks are outstanding for straightforward individual check-ins when a huge flow of guests arrive at once. They free up the front desk staff to handle more complicated group check-ins and also reduce perceived wait times.

Using self-service method of visitor management like Vizitor, visitors check themselves into an organization using a touch screen or a computer. These self-service kiosks can be stand-alone or can complement a human receptionist.

Here are some of the main benefits offered by Self-service kiosks of Vizitor:

• Speed and efficiency:

Digital check-ins can significantly reduce the time it takes for guests to check-in and get to their room. With self-service options, guests can complete the process quickly, without having to wait in line at the front desk. This also allows hotels to handle a higher volume of guests during peak hours.

• Increased accuracy:

With digital check-ins, guests can input their own information and preferences directly into the system, reducing the likelihood of human error. This can help ensure that guests receive the exact room and amenities they requested.

• Personalization:

Self-service check-ins using Visitor Sign-in Apps help hotels provide a more personalized experience, leading to higher guest satisfaction and loyalty.

• Cost savings:

Automating the check-in process with a self-service digital system can lead to cost savings for hotels. With fewer staff required to manage check-ins, hotels can allocate resources elsewhere.

• No more lines:

Nobody likes standing in lines for long hours. The congested lobby area with bunch of people moving here and there around the front desk obviously presents a negative image of your enterprise.

Overall, a self-service digital check-in system using a Visitor Sign-in App can benefit both hotels and guests in a variety of ways. So, it will be an optimal choice for hotels to go for Vizitor to revolutionize their front desk operations.

3.3 AI based Touchless Check-ins

Artificial Intelligence is empowering the businesses at an alarming speed. Post COVID situations give rise to touchless digital incorporations among modern enterprises. It ensures the safety of guests by eliminating the contact between guets and hoteliers.Thus, protecting their health and ensuring safety.

To eliminate typical contact surfaces,hoteliers are now adopting touchless solutions like Vizitor that not only speeds up the check-in process but also provides a modern look to your admin block’s front desk.

By using appropriate touchless check in hotel visitor management like Vizitor, you can streamline guest check-in, boost operational business efficiency and generate more revenue.

Vizitor enhance the touchless check-in experience by sending visitors QR codes in advance. Visitors will then receive a QR code to use directly from their smartphones when they arrive.

The cloud based storage eliminates the tedious task of maintaining manual paper logs using paper and pen. The cloud also uses encryption methods with complex algorithms to secure data.

From the hotel’s point of view, touchless check-in software frees up front-of-house teams who can then concentrate on providing hospitality and guest service, instead of registering guests manually. Human receptionists can spend a lot of time trying to connect visitors with hosts making guests wait for long hours. Instead digital check-in systems have the ability to contact the host automatically upon the guest completing the check-in process.
